One of the most common questions I am asked by teachers is 'How do I get the student work off the iPad?' While there are a number of solutions to this, there is not an easy one that works for all situations. Below are some solutions to this question, and hopefully one of them will address your situation.
1) Image Capture - this application is on all apple computers. Open the application and then plug the iPad into the computer (via the USB port). After the iPad's name appears in the Image Capture window, click on it and all photos and videos will appear. Select the photo (or select multiple photos by holding down the shift button while clicking) and drag them to the desktop. The 'Import To' drop down menu is also useful for putting photos in certain places on your computer. This is useful when you have time for each student to connect to your laptop or when students need to transfer work from the iPad to the lab computers.
2) Email - many of the district iPads are configured with a FirstClass (aka Richnet) email address that allows users to email work from within the app they are using. Be sure the students correctly type in the teacher's email addess the first time they do this as the iPad will store this address in its memory and will become an autofill option. The email option is useful when the whole class is wanting to hand in the work they completed on an iPad app.
3) FirstClass/Richnet - all of our district iPads will have the FirstClass app installed and this can be used to email content as well, especially videos or photos that are on the camera roll. After logging into Richnet, tap on the pencil icon at the bottom left of the iPad screen and you will be asked to create a new message/document or upload a photo. Tap on 'Upload Photo' and a new window opens that shows your iPad's photo library. Select the photo or video and it will automatically upload it as a message. This is useful for getting one or two large videos off the iPad, or if students in your class have Richnet accounts.
4) Fresh Grade - Fresh Grade is an assessment tool that allows teachers and students to quickly and easily load digital files onto a student's digital portfolio. For work that is completed on an iPad, the students can save the work on the iPad photo library and then upload it to their digital portfolio using the Fresh Grade Student app. Both videos and photos can be loaded, plus the student can write a comment that attaches to that piece of work. This option is useful for those using Fresh Grade in their classroom (obviously) and when all of your students are wanting to hand in the work they created.
5) File Manager - this free app will be found on all iPads in the district mobile iPad carts and on many school owned iPads. This page on my website shows how to use File Manager. File Manager is very useful for transferring epub files (made with the app Book Creator) or larger videos.
6) Mobile Devices - If you have your own mobile device, take a photo or video of the work on the iPad. Not the best solution but it does get the content from student to teacher.
7) iExplorer - this is a program you load on a computer. The demo version is free and can be downloaded here. I run it off my desktop as the applications folder on my HD is locked down. You can also drop the application into your home folder Go menu>>Home>>Applications. After loading it onto your computer, open iExplorer and plug the device in to your computer. The content on the iPad will appear in folders (e.g. apps, photos, books) and all you have to do is open up the folder and drag the specific photo or file to your computer's desktop. Voila!
8) Air Drop - Apple devices that we use in Richmond are capable of utilizing the Air Drop feature. It works best with computers that have OS10.10 and newer iOS devices (not iPad 2's). Your blue tooth and and wifi need to be up and running to have your devices recognize each other. Air drop allows the transfer of movies, photos, epub files, and any other type of file that can be exported.
7) iExplorer - this is a program you load on a computer. The demo version is free and can be downloaded here. I run it off my desktop as the applications folder on my HD is locked down. You can also drop the application into your home folder Go menu>>Home>>Applications. After loading it onto your computer, open iExplorer and plug the device in to your computer. The content on the iPad will appear in folders (e.g. apps, photos, books) and all you have to do is open up the folder and drag the specific photo or file to your computer's desktop. Voila!
8) Air Drop - Apple devices that we use in Richmond are capable of utilizing the Air Drop feature. It works best with computers that have OS10.10 and newer iOS devices (not iPad 2's). Your blue tooth and and wifi need to be up and running to have your devices recognize each other. Air drop allows the transfer of movies, photos, epub files, and any other type of file that can be exported.
Hopefully one of these options will work for you and allow students to share / hand in the work they complete on the iPad.
You will notice that Dropbox, Google Drive or icloud is not an option I've suggested. This is because using these services will contravene the FOIPPA law we have in BC.
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